Iain Glen
Pub. Date
Professional chef Leo has everything he ever wanted: a prosperous hotel business, a beautiful family, and an amiable relationship with his ex-wife, Gina, to whom he owes much of his success. But when Leob2ss glamorous wife, Sam, starts to suspect that he is having an affair, she asks Gina for advice, since Gina was cheated on by Leo with Sam and would recognize the signs. But none of them could anticipate the disastrous chain of events that follows....
Pub. Date
Set in a world where summers span decades and winters can last a lifetime. From the scheming south and the savage eastern lands, to the frozen north and ancient Wall that protects the realm from the mysterious darkness beyond, the powerful families of the Seven Kingdoms are locked in a battle for the Iron Throne. This is a story of duplicity and treachery, nobility and honor, conquest, and triumph. In the Game of Thrones, you either win or you die....
"As the season begins, Daenerys Targaryen accompanied by her Unsullied army and emboldened by Dothraki/Ironborn allies and her lethal trio of dragons, has finally set sail for Westeros with Tyrion Lannister, her newly appointed Hand. Jon Snow has apparently consolidated power in the North after his spectacular conquest of Ramsay Bolton and the return of Winterfell to Stark control. In King's Landing, Cersei Lannister, bereft of any surviving heirs,...
Pub. Date
Jack Taylor is a former cop turned private investigator with little to show for his time in the Irish Guards. Few of his former colleagues have any regard for Taylor. The exception is his friend Garda Kate Noonan, though even she has to walk a fine line. Six months sober, Taylor takes on cases with the help of his young assistant, Cody, even while he worries about his elderly mother. Try as he might, the ex-cop from Galway finds that in his hometown,...
Pub. Date
"The Emmy Award winning GAME OF THRONES returns for a final season of duplicity and treachery, nobility and honor... and an epic clash between the living and the dead. With the Army of the Dead -- led by the Night King, his White Walkers and an undead dragon -- bearing down on Jon and Dany and their combined forces, a denouement eight seasons in the making will be reached, answering a myriad of questions surrounding the fate of the series' protagonists....
Pub. Date
"This season begins with a power vacuum that protagonists across Westeros and Essos look to fill. At Castle Black, Jon Snow struggles to balance the demands of the Night's Watch with those of the newly-arrived Stannis Baratheon, who styles himself as the rightful king of Westeros. Meanwhile, Cersei scrambles to hold on to power in King's Landing amidst the Tyrells and the rise of a religious group led by the enigmatic High Sparrow, while Jamie embarks...
8) The red tent
Pub. Date
Dinah's happy childhood is spent inside the red tent where the women of her tribe gather and share the traditions and turmoil of ancient womanhood. The film recounts the story of Dinah's mothers Leah, Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah, the four wives of Jacob. Dinah matures and experiences an intense love that subsequently leads to a devastating loss, and the fate of her family is forever changed. Based on the best-selling novel by Anita Diamant.
Pub. Date
After the shocking developments at the end of season 5 -- including Jon Snow's bloody fate at the hands of Castle Black mutineers, Daenerys' near-demise at the fighting pits of Meereen, and Cersei's public humiliation in the streets of King's Landing -- survivors from all parts of Westeros and Essos regroup to press forward, inexorably, towards their uncertain individual fates. Familiar faces will forge new alliances to bolster their strategic chances...
10) Painted lady
Pub. Date
After a failed suicide attempt Maggie (Mirren) has lived with Sir Charles Stafford for ten years. But after he is murdered and a valuable painting is stolen she sets out to track down the painting and the murderer.
Pub. Date
Set Three includes three all new feature-length mysteries. Cross - When a man is found crucified, Jack's investigations reveal that the dead man's brother was responsible for the death of Norma Mitchell. Headstone - Jack is on a race against time to locate a former nemesis, Ronan Meyers, who has been kidnapped and held for ransom. Purgatory - Jack is hired by the head of a large software company to investigate the theft of valuable data.
13) The Iron Lady
Pub. Date
Widescreen ed.
The Iron Lady is a portrayal of Margaret Thatcher, the enigmatic, highly controversial figure who became the first and only female Prime Minister of England. It is the journey of a 'common' grocer's daughter whose social ambition and steel will, along with the love of her husband and confidant, propelled her to unprecedented power in a world dominated by men.
14) Breathless
Pub. Date
[Date of publication not identified]
Original UK Edition.
Follows the lives of a group of doctors and nurses working in a London hospital, a world in which everything and everyone has their place. But underneath this veneer simmers a cauldron of lies and guilty secrets, driven by love, ambition and sex. Breathless opens in 1961, a time when Britain was on the brink of the '60s revolution, abortion is illegal and the contraceptive pill is only just available to married women.
Pub. Date
Based on an extraordinary, untold true story of hope, this moving and ultimately redemptive story follows child survivors of the Nazi Holocaust and the remarkable team who were responsible for helping these children rebuild their lives as they forge friendships that will become a lifeline to a better future. Includes a bonus companion documentary about the pioneering project to rehabilitate 300 young orphaned Jewish refugees who survived the Holocaust,...
Pub. Date
The story of a young girl who had to go into hiding during World War II for being different. Anne Frank's diary manages to create a truthful and timeless picture of domestic life in all its pettiness and normalcy, while never letting us forget the extraordinary threat of death that awaits the characters if they are discovered. This is the first authorized film based on actual entries of the real diary.
18) My cousin Rachel
Pub. Date
Widescreen (2.39:1)
The movie is based on the 1951 novel by Daphne Du Maurier and tells the story of a young Englishman who plots revenge against his mysterious, beautiful cousin, believing that she murdered his guardian.
19) Harry Brown
Pub. Date
Harry Brown lives in a world that has been taken over by drug dealers and gangsters. A world where killing is a way of life, and the police have lost all control. But when his only companion and best friend is senselessly murdered just feet from his own apartment, Harry takes matters into his own hands. Utilizing the skills he learned while fighting the IRA, Harry takes on these hooligans as he doles out his own form of justice.
Pub. Date
A surprising and intimate portrait of Margaret Thatcher, the first and only female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. One of the 20th century's most famous and influential women, Thatcher came from nowhere to smash through barriers of gender and class to be heard in a male-dominated world.